Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gordon Clan Tartans

In 1793, Alexander, 4th Duke of Gordon commissioned three patterns based on the Government tartan (Black Watch) from William Forsyth of Huntly. He chose the version with the single yellow over check for himself and his new regiment, and offered the double and triple tram line versions to the two main Cadet Branches of the Family.  Contrary to popular belief, the regiment which first wore the Gordon Modern was not the Gordon Highlanders, it was the Gordon Fencibles, raised in 1793. The Gordon Highlanders who made the tartan famous around the world were raised in 1794!
Gordon Modern (Regimental)  
Source Tartan Society ts214 from Duke of Gordon 1793 (Forsyth of Huntly) From three patterns based on the Black Watch by Forsyth at the commission of the Duke, the Duke chose the single yellow over check and offered the double and triple tram lines to other family heads.  Thread count: B24, K4, B4, K4, B4, K24, G24, Y4, G24, K24, B24, K4, B4

Gordon Old Ancient
This is the three tram line version of  the tartan commissioned of Forsyth of Huntly by the 4th Duke of Gordon in 1793. (See Gordon of Esselmont below.) Thread Count: K8, B46, K46, G44, Y6, G6, Y12


Gordon of Esselmont
Source Tartan Society ts1064. Previously listed as Gordon Ancient, Captain Wolrige-Gordon of Esslemont in recent research found that the Duke of Gordon applied to Forsyth of Huntly to provide kilts for his troops. He chose the single stripe and called in the Heads of the families to choose from the others. Esslemont took the three stripe version. Thread Count: K8, P46, K46, G44, Y6, G6, Y12


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